Monday, January 25, 2010

There's no place like home!

Like the title states, there really is no place like home when you live in Pemberton (well, actually Mount Currie). Unfortunately I have been swamped with my endeavors around my imminent nursing career in Vancouver (awesome for a city), so this is a highlight of some of the awesome peaks I've climbed in the area, rather than an update of recent exploits. Lately it has been so good we haven't bothered with photos anyway, except Chris Ankeny, who I'll talk about soon. Eat your heart out! In order, there's Meagher, Meagher, Slalok (Mattier in the background)

Funny, while the Olympics create chaos a little bit down the road, I am looking forward to getting away for a bit in the mountains during my time off school. I'll be working with the lovely photographers of Arc'Teryx for a few days - who knows where we'll go - and then head down to The Big LePOWski in Utah at the end of the month! If you are in the area, definitely come check it out! The great folks at Arc'Teryx sponsor the event: it's all about getting the community of skiers and snowboarders together to share some powder, stories, beer, and laughs, not to mention ADVENTURE. Google it, or here's the link
LePowSki09Poster.jpg Maybe we can teach each other a thing or two as well.
At any rate, I can't tell you how grateful I am that I live where I, I bet you wanna know where these two pictures are from!!! ;) I can't really tell you over the's not secure.

I have to hand it to my amazing husband, Jack. No one amazes me more with his ability to sniff out mind-blowing lines, and gracefully flash them like nobody's business. I think I'm cool, and then I watch Jack. That's him in both of these pictures.

Ta-ta for now, hope you like the eye candy, hollar back if you have any thoughts...I'd love to hear from you! - Laura

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